Welcome to my website and to my collection of hats.


I’ve been involved in fashion design for many years now, but hat design has always been a special passion of mine. Hats, for me, represent that exceptional accessory which add that final touch to a woman’s appearance. Not only for special occasions such as weddings and a visit to Ascot but as part of a woman’s every day clothing. That’s what I would like to see : a return to the days when a woman would don a hat as the finishing touch to her daily attire.

Each of my hats is individually formed and hand made and each one is uniquely shaped and decorated. High quality felt with angora and straw are the two materials I work with most often.

Hats look best on women when their colour, shape and texture harmonize with her personality, temperament and dress. It’s that last touch which tells you everything about the wearer.

This is why I work above all on individual customized orders, which bring the best results. Please feel free to visit me in my studio in Gdansk where you will also be able to see other models of my work.


Beata Miłogrodzka






ul. Zelwerowicza 33

80-516 Gdańsk | POLAND

tel. + 48 693 708 626